Tuesday, May 7, 2013


What is the energetic influence of eclipses?

Solar eclipses take place on Full Moons when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. This blocks the governing, active and protective influences of the Sun and interrupts the nurturing, restorative and intuitive energies of the Full Moon. The next solar eclipse is May 9th.

Lunar eclipses take place on New Moons. During a lunar eclipse the shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon. This blocks the renewing and germinating potential that the New Moon energy brings. There is a lunar eclipse on May 26th.

The influence of an eclipse extends for weeks, months, and in some cases for years. In ancient times, eclipses were considered so important that the reputation or perhaps even the lives of astrologers were on the line for accurate predictions.

Why don’t we perform lunar homas during an eclipse?

Homas are Vedic fire ceremonies that activate and amplify the subtle cosmic energies in nature. Lunar homas amplify energies of lunar cycles. During an eclipse, the beneficial solar and lunar energies are obscured, blocked and even reversed. Performing a homa during an eclipse amplifies these adverse energies.

Are the influence of eclipses always bad?

The influence of an eclipse cannot be categorically regarded as adverse. Solar eclipses are associated with new beginnings and lunar eclipses are associated with completion. Eclipses portend shifts in global destiny and the collapse of decaying organizations and systems of governance.

How can we make use of this powerful eclipse energy?

To make best use of the influence of an eclipse, go inward: meditating, resting and doing spiritual practices during the time of the eclipse. Showering or bathing after the eclipse is an action of cleansing and releasing the old energy that the eclipse has severed. General recommendations during an eclipse are to stay out of the “astronomical weather.” During the actual time of the eclipse (approximately half an hour) avoid watching the eclipse and avoid traveling. Do not make major changes or decisions on the day before, during or the day after an eclipse. Resolve to welcome the energy that the eclipse is bringing into your life. The specific influences of the eclipse will depend on your individual astrological chart.

The eclipses of this May are part of a cluster of three (lunar eclipse, April 25th; solar eclipse, May 9th; and lunar eclipse, May 26th). These eclipses are bringing powerful new influences for renewal and rebirth in the midst of disintegration of the old. The stage is set for revolutionary change. This is a very significant pattern of cosmic influence that will impact individual and global concerns for years to come.

For specific astronomical information, here is a link to a NASA website on the subject.

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